About the processes related to the development of the town, the construction of accommodation facilities and the emergence of new and the disappearance of original architecture with Radek Drahný from the KRNAP Administration, conservationist Vladimíra Paterová from the National Heritage Institute and other guests.

Guide: Radek Drahný – expert on Krkonoše local history, spokesman of the KRNAP Administration, Vladimíra Paterová – conservationist of the National Heritage Institute, and other guests

Sat 28. 9. | 18:30 | Municipal Library Špindlerův Mlýn


Autor fotografií: Centrála cestovního ruchu Královéhradeckého kraje

Other events in the place Špindlerův Mlýn


Discover the architecture that transformed and disappeared with Radek Drahný from the KRNAP Administration and Vladimíra Paterová from the National...

  • Walk
  • Rush inside!
  • Guided tour
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