Historic farmsteads and settlements, villa districts, garden cities, old and modern panel housing estates, and contemporary projects. We will take a historic railcar along the Prague Semmering line to Jinonice, and during a guided walk, we will explore how cities can develop and evolve. The tour will be led by architect Štěpán Beneš and architecture enthusiast Marie Zákostelecká from the Mapamátky association.

Meeting point: Main Railway Station, in front of the new departure hall
Train departure: 12:39 from platform one

Reservation via GoOut. The co-organizer of this event is Mapamátky, z. s.

28. 9. | 12:20 | Main Railway Station, in front of the new departure hall, Prague 1 | estimated duration: 120 min.


Autor fotografií: Marie Zákostelecká

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